The Funny Handbook - T. A. Kelly

The Funny Handbook

By T. A. Kelly

  • Release Date: 2024-02-01
  • Genre: Humor


Have you ever wondered why certain people are funnier than others? Could it be because the magic funny fairy gave them some of their funny dust, or they were bitten by a funny spider, or maybe they rubbed a magical lamp and used one of their three wishes to be more funny? Now, I'm not saying that those things don't work. But just in case, let me give you a different type of help in your journey to becoming funnier.

Most people believe they are either born funny or not, or it's only around certain people, or that only a particular subject allows you to be funny. While those things may be true to an extent, the real reason is quite simple. People are creatures of habit, those habits extend into being funny. Now, being funny is a mixture of timing, material, and audience. If you can get those things down you can make almost anyone laugh in nearly any situation.

Now that you know what being funny consists of, the next step is to apply those things. For example, the funniest people alive have a pre-made list of jokes and stories whether they know it themselves or not. This list varies from person to person depending on experiences, preferences, etc. That is actually what the bulk of this book is going to give to you the reader: examples, ideas, or a quick look cheat sheet to having those pre-thought jokes or thoughts so, if you are ever struggling to think of something to say you can pull this handbook out and hopefully it will give you something to work with.

Now no one expects you to remember every joke, so instead you should choose a few of your favorite jokes and try to remember them as best you can. Now you have a pre-made list of jokes you can go out into your everyday life and test them out at will. This will be trial and error for most people because even though anything can be funny you have to understand that timing, audience, and especially your way of delivering any joke make a huge difference. If you don't have confidence in what you are saying no one else will either.
