The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank

The Diary of a Young Girl

By Anne Frank

  • Release Date: 1996-02-01
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Score: 4.5
From 1,103 Ratings


THE DEFINITIVE EDITION Discovered in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life, the remarkable diary that has become a world classic—a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and an eloquent testament to the human spirit.

Updated for the 75th Anniversary of the Diary’s first publication with a new introduction by Nobel Prize–winner Nadia Murad

“The single most compelling personal account of the Holocaust ... remains astonishing and excruciating.”—The New York Times Book Review

In 1942, with Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, they and another family lived cloistered in the “Secret Annex” of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. In her diary Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. By turns thoughtful, moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.


  • Loved this book Highly recommend

    By lightingwolf66
    One of the best books I have ever read about the holocaust. I highly recommend everyone to read this book it will change your life.
  • Sad story

    By Evfdst60
    Such a sad way to live but she grew and thrived. Thankful for people that would risk their lives to help others.
  • Perfect for a Diary

    By shining dimonds
    I watched the animated film on YouTube, and I have a diary I had on my birthday, but didn’t start writing till Aug. 6, 2022. I told it I would have comfort with it and support and called it Anne Jackson (aka A.J for short) but wanted to write in it for things that would happen, and probably skip a day or two for more writing. So please, just watch the animated film and get started.
  • Wow (please read)

    By tatertotsy 13
    I am a 13 year old girl who loves history and poetry, also I keep a diary, in honor of Anne, I named her Frankie. Frankie has kept lots of secrets for me, and a few of my own poems are kept in Frankie. Anne’s diary, (aka Kitty) has inspired me to write my own book, titled, “Hiding from the Holocaust Monster” About a girl named Maple with similar interest of Anne and I. As I was reading comments, I read one saying, “Worst book of all time” And, “Too boring, skip to the point.” People, Anne couldn’t skip to the point! It’s a diary!! Not a fictional book that some girl wrote up!!! Yes it’s depressing in some parts, but that is HISTORY!!!!! Lots of terrible as well as wonderful things happened in the past. It had to. All of us Americans need to appreciate what brave men and women DIED for! If it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t be FREE!!! Happy Veterans Day, God bless, Tatum Tipp, J.A. (Junior Author)
  • Loved it

    By Gamer Cat-Roblox
    I had to read it for school and I loved it! The beginning is a little boring but when they go into hiding it gets interesting
  • No

    By 63953637
    No, just no. I had to read it for school. DO NOT RECOMMEND!! It sooo bad! I hated it. Boring and not entertaining!
  • Very meaningful.

    By anime lover girl 123
    This book means a lot to me it’s very saddening that a girl Anne’s age died so young and she had such a unique perspective of the world I wish I could have an imagination like hers she acted like a little adult and for her age you can tell she was very mature she was such a gorgeous young girl so of course she had many admirers I have my own diary just like Anne’s and I hope one day my children will publish my diary for me I’ve been threw allot of tough times and I hope someone in this world can tell my story and maybe I can influence or inspire someone just like Anne inspired me to always pay attention to the world around you cause you never know when you won’t be around to see it (and the person who said this book is stupid is very rude and I hope you know that the girl that wrote this book died at 16 and this book is showcasing all she went through so you saying it’s stupid is very unkind so I advise you too go take a good look at yourself and ask yourself "am I a good person" and I’m sure you will find out that you are not . Yours truly,Alice L.
  • My Honest Opinion.

    By Collin Arnold
    I am currently on page 778/993 and I love it, but at some points I just can’t help myself from tearing up. I am currently learning German as my second language and I hope to be able to read and comprehend the original German version. I decided to read this before it was assigned in school, I doubt they would have assigned a book such as this during at-home studies but you get the point, I have used Anne’s pieces as inspiration of my own and It turn out to be some of my best writing yet. (I’m known to be somewhat of a good writer amongst my peers and am frequently looked to for advice) but when I wrote my story, oh my, did it astonish me– I’ve never written like that before and it’s all thanks to a certain 13 year old Jewish girl named Anne! I may have gotten off topic a bit, but for my review to make sense I believe you need to know how this book affected me (and Is still affecting me). There is truly no point in this book that I didn’t love with all my heart, every page and paragraph you’ll find yourself immersed in the world of the Secret Annex, and what the experience of living during Nazi reign was really like for the millions of Jews affected by the Hitler and the rest of the Nazi party. This is and I believe will always be my favorite book of all time. Yours, C.

    By Prophet Amos
    Understand the past, enables us to deal with the cruel communists/socialits monsters of today.
  • Amazing Book

    By AnimusDragon123
    The first time I read an Anne Frank diary was actually a book copy but the Play write. I kinda want to know what other people went through in WWII
